My eyes glimmer with hidden desire as I listen to you whispering sweet nonsense stuff in my ear, teasing it with slight gentle touches of yr tongue. Men turn their heads. People're staring.
I close my eyes, eyelids fluttering. Secure in your arms. Can't help it.
Can't help whispering back to you. Revelling in every single movement of my tongue as I articulate words - as if I were kissing you.
Tumblers are drained and then flooded, again and again... How long must I wait?
What an acute feeling - on the edge of... And brimming over with sweetness of mead. You take me, you hold me, you lead me - so powerful, so strong, and yet so delicate. 'Porque el tango es macho, porque el tango es fuerte! I whisper, carried away, as we're dancing all the way to my house through the hips of fallen leaves. Surrender. Succumb to temptation. Haven't you noticed the mild sweetness of these verbs? - as if a piece of chocolate was melting in the cave of your mouth, as if amber waves of brandy were licking the glass.
Te quiero amar... En nuestra alcoba azul... te quiero amar...
Leaning back against the wall, I try to catch my breath. Then stumble to the bathroom to cool off. But...
My cheeks are still on fire, and my knees're trembling as I dry hair with a towel and get dressed - a few secs naked in cool air - first, the sweater, then the stockings and, at last, sipping coffee, cigarette lit in the ashtray, I put on my pants. I feel like a black velvet necessary to reveal the innermost gleam of the gem.
Was willst Du noch, willst Du meine Tage zähl'n
warum mußt Du mich mit meiner Sehnsucht quälen?
Deine Hölle brennt in mir. Du bist mein Überlebenselexier!
Ich bin zerissen, wann kommst Du meine Wunden küssen?
I give up. Burning from within, I sink into the armchair. My fingers caress the keyboard. High, I bite my lips not to cry out as I print... Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, [...] Wir interessieren uns für europäische Röstkaffeehersteller und -lieferanten.
Замужем за четырьмя мужчинами. В активном поиске пятого. Еще не решила. Испанский или венгерский?
... We've got our obsessions, babe.
I'd like to introduce:
and the others