After all, little by little... the puzzle - the odds and ends, dribs and drabs - the so called signs in the air, in the water, and whatever else u need - have matched.
...І між пальцями - не краплі крові - пробивається листя трави...
just shadows of the leaves - and beautiful pics
Feeling the buds within, rejoicing as they reveal the hidden treasure - the newborn leaves, greeting the birches as u pass, curtseying the willows...
Awaiting the Awakening in March. Listening to the dreams of the trees - slow, secretive and calm.

Hiding a smile at the sight of the wolves.
Catkins and primroses in the braids.
Sun through the branches, the twigs, the leaves... Sunrays on the grass...

(Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun)
A woman within a tree, or a tree within a woman. Can anyone ever draw a line?
And light within. Goblet of mead, and honey, and sunshine - down the pelvis.
The spine and the ribs resemble a delicate lute. Play, minstrel, play.
Flare of poppies bursting from within.
(Helena Nelson Reed)
Bonfire Night. The night by the fire. At the heart of the forest. Or in the forest of heart?
Placating the hog with the share of our meal.
Soul naked - in front of the sun eye. Brimming with birdsongs. Exhilaration of skylarks.
Thanx, sis! For the best birthday present ever.
The hog. The aurochs. Uruz. Wild power of May.
The money - resourse to be put in. The power, that wild power of Uruz... The burst of action. The word- the knowledge. And the way...
The way itching yr feet, the wind pushing u forward... the roadsigns to be read and followed...
The flame, the sparkle of creating. The gift shared. And the joy, that exhilaration of skylarks.
The first aett to be understood.
The road under the arch of trees... 
Do u remeber, sis? Way back from the house to the busstop.
The trees swaying gently as if they were greeting us.
The gate to selva subterranea that I can see with my left eye.
And finally, I've got it. The Tarot of the Secret Forest.
...and the Catkin Spirit by Janusz Cienkowski

Acknowledgements: Thanx to the Clan^^
Janusz Cienkowski,
Karolina Cienkowska, and recently
...Май... Love ya!
Mark Knopfler - Before Gas and TV
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