All we are is dust in the wind. Stardust
Если вы заметили ошибку, буду рада, если вы поможете мне ее исправить. Спасибо.

Take my word, folks. Happiness hurts. Happiness bloody hurts.
Can't breathe. Rather gulp - jerking - through a gunshot wound, gaping wider.
Happiness swells. Overflows like a hot tide.
Can't breathe. Not until, crashing your ribs, cracking them open - like a shell of some bleeding oyster - a blazing poppy bursts out.
Blood-red wild poppy. A cry of excitement - gulping the air against the headwind - as the tide brings you up. Just before crashing you down.
A cry echoed round in flames. Stirring the flowers to burst in your chest.
flaming poppy

**** (fragment lost)
... when, at last, a winged soul of iris pierce the sky. Brimming over in hot tears.
Cry. Do cry. Breathe the happiness out. Let the arrow of iris wither away.
Or else...
...your heart may be smashed with burden...

Until one day the arrow of iris does burst through your skull.
They claim it to be a lotus. I'd say, it's an edelweiss.
Up the snow-capped mountain peaks.
Where the ether is too thin to breathe.
It's edelweiss, folks. Starlight.

take a sip of edelweiss starlight

Not to forget. Тисяча кроків. Крочків. Малювання. Трайбл. Музеї. Ковток залізничної води. Сонце на повіках. Мерехтіння сніжинок на кінчиках вій.

@музыка: Telenn Gwad - Day Falls; Sia - My Love

@настроение: sunshine through the ribs

@темы: rough-drafts, щоденники, МАГІЧНИЙ ТЕАТР ТІЛЬКИ ДЛЯ БОЖЕВІЛЬНИХ, архив, галерея, На іншому боці Місяця