All we are is dust in the wind. Stardust
...I know it's great to be alive...

Silence is listening. When above the chit-chat and humming His heartbeat is audible.
Silence is shared. When you're attuned - without words.
Silence is solitude. Time for contemplation. When you listen to the voice of your self.
Silence is emptiness. Just before the sound fills in.
Silence is a cold damp well. When the sound trails away and dies. When no light breaks through.
Silence is suffocating. It grows just like cancer. It builds up within - leaving no space for - life.
Sometimes it doesn't really matter how full you are - with your self. On the contrary, it may be when you're too stuffed within - not letting the light out - that it rots away. And cancer builds up instead.
It's when your voice almost trails off unable to break the walls of silence that a concord may unlock the cell. Some walls are not to be destroyed form within - or out. It's the music between the two, at least. Kinda interaction.

Breaking the walls of silence - встигнути за 60 секунд

Стосовно інтеракції. Список того, що я (частково) можу і роблю сама, але хочу (принаймі час від часу) робити з вами - разом.

P.S. прекрасное, найденное на просторах сети

Picture by TheExtentofSilence

@темы: ссылки, музыка странного сна, щоденники, МАГІЧНИЙ ТЕАТР ТІЛЬКИ ДЛЯ БОЖЕВІЛЬНИХ, Simple Warmth Toolkit, архив, галерея, мистецтво тисячі дрібниць