All we are is dust in the wind. Stardust
I'm all tatters, worn thin grey threads, wound around crooked black twigs.
the wind caresses me, and tears me apart.
My sweety, your stroke is gentleness of the knife, and kiss of razor to my veins, and all hot embraces of Freddy, embroidery of black and blue, fine piece of impressionism - do me in sharp strokes, add more red, discover all the hues of the ruby that I must be hiding inside the white wardrobe...
I dance to your music, to the beat of your strokes - the sweetest dance of shivers and trembles, twists and winces. Contemporary contraction you are bound to call the style.
I dance to the will of your fingers, and sing shrieks and yelps to balm your heart in pandemonium
the wind caresses me, and tears me apart.
My sweety, your stroke is gentleness of the knife, and kiss of razor to my veins, and all hot embraces of Freddy, embroidery of black and blue, fine piece of impressionism - do me in sharp strokes, add more red, discover all the hues of the ruby that I must be hiding inside the white wardrobe...
I dance to your music, to the beat of your strokes - the sweetest dance of shivers and trembles, twists and winces. Contemporary contraction you are bound to call the style.
I dance to the will of your fingers, and sing shrieks and yelps to balm your heart in pandemonium
2. "Humans" can never be understood. but making an effort is a challenge.
3. hope the language was good enough.
Anyway, an effort itself may worth doing.
Kinda mind exercising?