All we are is dust in the wind. Stardust
black pots in the closet.
seeds need sun... to fulfill the destiny
to burst, to bewitch
to be picked up and pinned to a maiden's gown
to wither
to leave a fading memory of beauty
a memory of sin, you know
withering is so much better, so much sweeter than...
"a bud of rose that hasn't bloomed seducing grace",
sentenced to non-fulfillment
to dying twice

cast light, O, cast light over me

(с - Llynn)

@музыка: Vicious Crusade, Requiem to Innosence

@настроение: insomnia on the brink of insanity

@темы: Із зошита, що потрапив у зливу, МАГІЧНИЙ ТЕАТР ТІЛЬКИ ДЛЯ БОЖЕВІЛЬНИХ, архив