All we are is dust in the wind. Stardust
Shit! Wanna a cigarette, a coffee, a wiskey and an old good car... Get outta here, take a jacket, borrow - nice words, huh? - a car, and... Fancy a joy ride, honey? Nope, 2 much afraid to lose control, this girl. Red light. Danger. Take some pills and go to bed, girlie. 2morrow gonna be better. If it'll come. Promise to bring yr body back S&S. Nope? Hell with u, ass! I wanna have real good time at your expense. Makes u mad, huh? Wanna go get some nice girl with bubbies and light fingers, and tounge. God bless the tounges of the call girls and by-the-road girls! Amen! Could you possibly be so kind as to let me use your phone? To make some private call. What wud u do to stop me? What can u?
Shit! Like a log in my eye! All fun's gone... Bitch! Does it make any diference for you? To prevent a good guy from having some fun.
Fuck! No cigarettes. No alcohol - but for some meds. What the hell of a house have I got in?!
Bye-bye, sweetie! Shall I promise to bring u back, oh, yeah, yr body back?
Have a good time 2night. Sth like...
One mad girl from Saskatoon eats her out with silver spoon!
Like this one? Oh, no silver spoons? Pity!
Your Jack
Shit! Like a log in my eye! All fun's gone... Bitch! Does it make any diference for you? To prevent a good guy from having some fun.
Fuck! No cigarettes. No alcohol - but for some meds. What the hell of a house have I got in?!
Bye-bye, sweetie! Shall I promise to bring u back, oh, yeah, yr body back?
Have a good time 2night. Sth like...
One mad girl from Saskatoon eats her out with silver spoon!
Like this one? Oh, no silver spoons? Pity!
Your Jack