All we are is dust in the wind. Stardust
Backside of the moon
Coffee-house "At the Corner"
December, 28th
Coffee-house "At the Corner"
December, 28th
Night hours are eating away at her.
She seems worn to the thread, to the marrow of her bones.
Gazing absent-mindedly at the walls, and da panels, and da windawz with dreamdamnlike worlds.
Glass orbs with snowflakes.
Merry Christmas, kiddy!
So, I am currently in charge of the coffee-house. Throwing polite smiles at stunned customers.
From behind a mask.
Match-point! Set! Game!
I've got plenty of masks since my face washed away a year ago.
Chosen a Venetian one - not to scary the flock out. Carnival Merry-Christmas-like variant.
December cookbook: some tangerines, coffee with cinnamon, gingerbuns and glint.
And Kinkade-style snow-covered merry houses behind glass panels.
When I enter the kitchen, I know for sure there've been two more stabs in her belly.
For all the weakness, and yellowness.
Last December she seemed to know how to light'em up.
I wonder why she's never released it. Wanted to master to perfection?
'What is there behind your window?
'Snow-covered forest, she wispered.
I sometimes catch the flashbacks. The black forest. The glimmering snow. A goblet with some dark tarn-looking wine. Her tiny bare feet leave no traces - no footstep - on the snow. He dances to the beat of her tambourine...
There are always rubies under the snow. And a crescent moon down her eyes.
Still, she is too timid. And a new stab is to follow. And he'll wake up in his bed with a headache...
and a pinch of suspense.
A cigarette in the corner of her mouth - a coffee-mug on the floor, - she is sunk in the armchair. And a broken radio has chosen the best tune possible. Twisted with desires in her blue alcove, burning from the inside, she invites a coat-hanger to tango. Irresistible. Seductive. Lusting. Grieving her loss. Throwing her soul to the pandemonium. Lying on the wooden flour breathless.
I make her a hot spicy drink. We sit at the counter silent.
Upon my word, she's gonna be just fine.
Yours whatever,

(c - Fabian Perez)
The night will continue without the haste of nostalgia
This tango will be our wound
And this bleeding accordion will represent our souls
This night will be our day, all of our days
Come back to me
Love me without the need of light, in our blue alcove
Where there was never any sun to shine on us
Blind me
Kill my heart in our shared blue alcove,
My love